Tshedza and Zwigodini preschools’ kids were the first to receive their box of Book Dash storybooks. For many of them it is the first time they hear, see and have access to a storybook, let alone one in their very own Tshivenda language! We have divided the first hundred Book dash books, funded by Skoon, into five boxes or mini […] Continue Reading
Brand new, bright coloured Dambale Preschool
We are so happy to announce that the Dambale Preschool is finished, colourfully painted and ready to be equipped for the village’s little children! By February this year the Baobab Foundation has received enough donations from generous supporters all around the globe to start building. Chief Nedambale then immediately appointed Mr Nelson Kwinda, a local builder, with his team. By […] Continue Reading
Looking Back: Proud Moments for Baobab Guardians
There is something magical about taking part in a creative process that helps to bring something into existence that wasn’t there before. I believe that is why our Baobab Guardian program has been so successful; people love to be part of creative magic, and Nature is all about exactly that!
101 Baobab Trees!
At the end of 2020, we planted the last 9 baobab trees.
This brings the total number of trees planted as part of our Baobab Guardians program to 101 although we had initially aimed at 100. The extra 1 was due to one of the enthusiastic neighbours in Dambale village who also wanted to have a tree to take care of :-). We think 101 baobab trees has a nice ring to it!
One hundred colourful stories for rural kids
One hundred colourful, new children’s books have just landed on the desk of the Baobab Foundation. These books are for our pre-schools in Venda and is published by Book Dash. https://bookdash.org Book Dash is a South African initiative that believes every child should own one hundred books by the age of five. They gather creative professionals who volunteer to create […] Continue Reading
Dambale Pre-School rising from the dust
Dambale village never had a Pre-School. Now three classrooms and a facility building are rising from the foundations on a piece of land the chief allocated for the toddlers and pre-schoolers of this rural village in Venda. Several indigenous trees, like the beautiful Munee tree or Red Ivory (Berchemia Zeyheri) in the one corner of the yard, are preserved for […] Continue Reading
Baobab Guardians Celebrate Baobab Success!
Zwigodini Village Baobab Guardians with their certificates This November, 18 Baobab Guardians from 3 different Venda villages received certificates of achievement to celebrate the successful growing of 19 baobab trees to a height of 3 metres. This is when baobabs can fend for themselves in the wild and no longer need watering and protection from livestock and other foraging animals. […] Continue Reading
Our Baby Baobabs are Growing Up!
Our Baobab Guardians have been doing a wonderful job this year taking care of their baobab tree seedlings and growing them in a protected environment until they reach 3 metres in height and are ready to fend for themselves.
Dambale Creche Fence Completed
We’re delighted that the fence around the Dambale Preschool was completed this month (September 2020). A big thank you for the generous donation of $1000 from Protec Botanica which contributed towards building the fence.
Mandela Day: Food Donation from Ridgeway Prep School to Mukovha wa Bale Creche
Dr Sarah Venter delivers food donated by Ridgeway Prep School to Mukovha wa Bale Creche Children at Ridgeway Preparatory School responded whole-heartedly to their drive to collect food and donations during Mandela Month. Ridgeway Preparatory Primary School collected boxes of non-perishable food for donation to one of the Pre-Schools which our Baobab Foundation supports: Mukovha wa Bale Creche. The food […] Continue Reading