Waiting for the baobab fruit to drop

The area has had lovely late rains, but this has affected our normal fruit harvesting time.  Normally all the fruit would have fallen to the ground by now and been picked up by our harvesters, but this year more than half of them are still on the trees.  So we are waiting for the fruit to drop off the trees… […] Continue Reading

2014 Jun: Coppicing Baobabs

When baobabs are still young they are vulnerable to damage.  This young baobab was damaged at the base, but it was helped to survive by coppicing (sprouting).  After a few years most of the coppice shoots die but two or three remain leaving the tree to develop into a multistemed tree which you can clearly see in the photo of the adult […] Continue Reading

2014 Jun: Baobablets Abound!

I went to visit Blessing to see how her seedlings are getting on.  Blessing’s seedlings are looking lovely.  They were planted in Feburary this year just after a community training workshop on how to grow baobabs.  Soon the seedlings will lose their leaves for the winter and look like sticks and then in the spring the baobablets will push out […] Continue Reading

Miracle Tree!

A few years ago I was called by a local farmer to see some baobabs that were very ill and dying.  There was a group of four baobabs, some of them were still standing and others had already collapsed in to a heap of fibre.  This tree was still standing, but was hot and ‘sweaty’ with droplets on its bark, almost as […] Continue Reading

Which side of the tree are you on?

Which side of the fence, I mean tree, are you on? Baobabs make fantastic poster boards and on a recent field trip I photographed this tree.  On the one side is a poster of Jacob Zuma (ANC) and on the other side is Julius Malema (EFF).  Tough Choice! 

Ecotrade empowers many women…

…and Annah Mendela is just one of them. After being inspired by previous films made in collaboration with PhytoTrade and EcoProducts, Greg Cameron has created this warm and sensitve portrait of Annah, showing how by collecting baobab fruit for EcoProducts, she has been able to turn her life around.  A short 2.5 minute film that's so beautifully made it will stay with you long after you've watched […] Continue Reading

How baobab's heal themselves…

Recently, friend and baobab fan Shona sent through this delightful photo taken near Xigera Reserve, Okavango Delta in April this year.  It shows their guide pointing out elephant damage to a baobab tree.  It’s old elephant damage and you can see in the picture how the wound has healed over with new bark.  It’s quite wonderful how baobabs manage to heal themselves in an almost […] Continue Reading

Baobab Galerie: a unique shop

Baobab Galerie is a unique decor and gift shop in Port Edward, KZN selling an exquisite handmade range of products made of natural fibres such as sisal, raffia, different varieties of reeds and grasses as well as recycled recycled paper and metal.  Alexandre and Michel who own the shop have long been interested in Baobabs, even growing baobab trees, hence the shop name.  The feature […] Continue Reading

EcoProducts is out and about in May!

We are HAPPENING this month in the media!  We have an article on baobab oil in Wellness Magazine, our boabab fruit powder is featured in Elle Magazine and we're flying with Mango in their latest inflight magazine! All power to the baobab tree!