Equipment for protecting baobabs donated to SANParks

Protecting baobabs from elephants is an ongoing effort.  There are over 600 baobabs on Mapungubwe National Park.  Every few moths a baobab collapses and dies from elephant damage in the park.  Mapungubwe National Park has limited resources and is unable to dedicate equipment solely to the protection of baobabs.  The Baobab Foundation has put together a pamphlet on How-to-mesh-a-baobab, which requires at ladders, hammers, pliers and side cutters.

With the support of the Phasa Foundation the Baobab Foundation has supplied the park with the equipment necessary to get the job done.  The equipment is in safe keeping with the Section Ranger.  Anyone needing to use these resources including honorary rangers, park officials or any other land owners in the area who need the equipment to mesh baobabs, can borrow them and then return it to the park for safe keeping.

Steven Khosa (SANParks), Captain Sibiya (SANParks) and Dr Sarah Venter (Baobab Foundation)

Dr Sarah Venter