Another baobab gone – do we need more proof?

Three large baobabs form an avenue on either side of the track leading up to Schroda Dam view in Mapungubwe National Park.  These trees have stood on this hillside for hundreds of years.  Last month one of them died as a result of elephant damage as many other trees in this National Park.

Fortunately, the other two trees were meshed two years ago and remain unharmed.  The tree that died was left as a control to test if the meshing would work.  I am sad I did not mesh them all, I knew the mesh would work, but some people first wanted proof.  Well, here is the proof….

With the ongoing support of our donors and in particular the Phasa Foundation and the Honorary Rangers, we aim to mesh another 50 baobabs in and around the park.

Please also see my other posts on this topic and the report done on the effectiveness of meshing to protect baobab trees from elephant damage.

Baobab collapsed and died in 2024

Dr Sarah Venter