2015 Jan: Bonga, we thank you!

Gratitude.  Giving back is a way of giving thanks; thanks for what we have, and what we are able to give.  And today we’re so grateful to Bonga Foods and the Bonga Foundation for their warm generosity. Their most recent donation has enabled us to give back to the Venda community which supports us in harvesting Baobab fruit for EcoProducts.  We’ve used […] Continue Reading

End of season celebration

'Boabab sales have been going from strength to strength and after a busy successful season of harvesting and processing we thought it was time to celebrate!  It was good to get out of our dust coats and protective clothing and all the women, including me, enjoyed getting dressed up in traditional Venda clothes.  One of the women does exquisite bead […] Continue Reading

Sunset Baobab trees

In the last of our series featuring photographer Vanessa Bristow’s wonderful work, we leave you with these simply stunning photos of baobab trees at sunset.  It’s not difficult to see where EcoProducts got its inspiration from for its striking logo! 🙂

Baobabs in the landscape

Baobabs usually stand out in the landscape. But they can also blend… Photographer Vanessa Bristow captures this beautifully here.

Birds in baobab trees

Photographer Vanessa Bristow has wonderfully captured these different birds perched in baobab trees in Zimbabwe.  Featured here are a Marabou Stork, an owl and a pair of Bennett’s woodpeckers busily pecking away (the female below the male). As Vanessa says of her photographs: ‘They are in humble tribute to a mighty tree! Baobab’s provide shade in summer, beautiful landscapes in winter, not to […] Continue Reading

The seasons of baobab trees

Here, talented photographer Vanessa Bristow shares some of her photographs of Baobabs taken at Sentinel Ranch in Zimbabwe.  We’ll be featuring more of her stunning photographs during the week.

budding baobabs

Spring has arrived in the Limpopo with budding baobabs!  The baobab trees which have been bare for most of the year are bursting into bud and leaf.  The round buds which look like fruit are actually flower buds.  They will still grow to three times that size over the next month before they are ready to open. Baobabs start to […] Continue Reading

A New Miss Earth

A BIG congratulations to Ilse Saunders – the new Miss Earth and to runners-up Steffani Alexander, Michillay Brown and Roxanne Watson.  It was wonderful to share this event with you and the amazingly talented and dynamic Miss Earth team yesterday.  Your energetic leadership towards creating a better society and future is a real inspiration and we look forward to working with you all […] Continue Reading

Miss Earth SA 2014 finalists meet the Baobab

Yesterday the Miss Earth SA 2014 finalists met the Baobab. Sarah Venter gave them a talk on the baobab tree and EcoProducts and came away completely charmed and delighted by this impressive group of committed down-to-earth eco-princesses. Here are finalists Steffani Alexander & Roxanne Watson with baobab oil and other pics taken from the session.  And today is the BIG DAY where we'll […] Continue Reading